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The whitewater paddle I use most is a Werner I bought when I was a teenager. She’s ugly after being nicked on thousands of rocks and moonlighting as a walking stick for many portages. I feel kind of guilty retiring her after so many years of service. But after a month of using the efficient and smooth paddling Stikine, I definitely think its best replica watches time. --Joe Jackson is not related to the kayak-owning, championship-winning Jackson family, nor is he related to the Jackson Five. He is, however, a rafting guide in southern Oregon.Want to test gear for Outside magazine? Apply to be a member of our Gear Army, here.

Lance Armstrongs Astana team received approval today from the International Cycling Union to participate in the Tour de France. The team, funded by a Kazakh state holding company, has been teetering on financial collapse and subsequent Replica Rolex watches disbanding by cyclings international governing body.--Sean BranderThe movie version of Edward Abbeys famous novel, The Monkey Wrench Gang, is in development for 2010. According to Hollywood.com, the cast will include Richard Dreyfuss, Matthew McConaughey, Elizabeth Shue, John Goodman, and Jack Nicholson. --Joe Spring

By Stephen RegenoldIn the world of backpacks, there is a niche category of products that positions compartments and pouches over the chest. Called frontpacks, these gear-carrying modules are made by small companies like Aarn Designs, Replica Breitling watches Syncpack, and LuxuryLite.You usually wear a frontpack in tandem with a backpack. The theory is that a load up front will move weight forward on the body to counterbalance a heavy haul on back.Easy access to food, a GPS device, a camera or sunscreen is another advantage. (I have a review of five frontpack models here: ://gearjunkie.com/frontpacks)A recent entrant into the frontpack realm, Ribz Sportswear of Coronado, Calif., offers a pack with 800 cubic inches of usable space.