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Ive seen it before, with Matt, in the engine room. He was attacking the old exhaust system on the engine, a chunk of rusty pipes that wouldnt budge. I popped in after attending to a different project, and asked how it was going. Did you get it?No, i just sat here replica Rado watches and stared at it for 10 minutes.Thats a good indicator.Heres another good indicator: the stove is on the cabin floor, the evaporator is in the quarter berth, the compressor is in a box on a settee, the tools are all over the place, and all you wanna do is leave the boat, so that you can get rid of this overcaffeinated/overwhelmed feeling, which is probably like what its like to come down off some crazy upper. ---Saturday, May 30A fancy 80-foot sailboat named Coconut showed up yesterday;

shes easily the biggest thing at the marina. Three guys sailed her up from Panama, and now shes tied up at the end of our dock, her mast towering over every other. The scale of the boat is evident from here.Someone told me you can lease it for only $21,000 a replica Tissot watches week. Wide eyes resulted. Andy and Ingrid, my neighbors on Sea Ghost, a 33-foot wooden ketch, werent impressed. Ingrid: Far as I can tell, its just bigI pointed it out to Neil. Woah, he said. Youd need a pack of gorillas to sail that thing.I met the gorillas. Theyre nice guys, more or less our age, and full of adventure.

They joked about the value of sailboats, and admitted even Coconut wasnt worth a dollar these days, because her upkeep is so expensive.---Tuesday, June 2A few months ago, just as I was starting to feel really good about boat projects, Matt and I went out for pizza and beer with two other sailors: Chris (whos now somewhere in Mexico replica Zenith watches on Vela, his Catalina 42, ) and Marga (whos fixing up Phlebas, a Pearson 30). We raised our pints and got down to business, talking about boaty things. Marga started telling Matt about a boat in Sausalito that she maintains for a Stanford professor.Marga: Its 40 feet long, a double ender. A cutter. And its beautiful!